Spotlight On…Mission in the Philippines

At our last church meeting, we agreed that we would support 3 specific overseas missions.  One of which was PCF (Purple Community Fund that supports families in the Philippines) and Jane Walker who runs the mission has contacted us at TBC to see if we can help immediately, as because of the Covid virus many families are in deep distress.  Our UK news has focussed on what is happening here but we are also part of a global community and we must not forget how difficult life is for those who live on the edges of society and try to survive from day to day.

Jane says: “Families live in small shanties without the use of running water or the ability for social distancing.  In the first week we were able to distribute, rice, medicines and children’s milk. Some government food packs arrived which provided enough food for a family to eat for 5 days, but many families were missed from the distribution and the government has announced that they now do not have funds to sustain all the people.  Families message us daily to help them as they have no money to buy their young children’s milk and have not eaten for several days, only surviving on the scraps that their neighbours can give them”.

If you would like to support them you can donate by going to the website: or send a cheque to Purple Community Fund at 53 Russell Street, Norwich, NR2 4QT.