We recognise how mutually beneficial it is to work with ministries across the world and we support three charities who we are developing relationship with.

Bethesda Children’s Foundation


In 2019 a group of young people from three local churches engaged in a two-week mission trip to work with Pastor Sam and his team in the Bethesda Children’s home based in the Tamil Nadu area of India.  Some were even baptised alongside those they were working with and in that moment, we ALL wanted to be there!  We support through prayer and financial gifts.  Recently we have enabled a building enhancement to the children’s home and in the worldwide COVID pandemic, money for Pastor Sam to use in supporting local Pastors and the poorer families they are in contact with.  They have a website with further information including details of how you can pray for and support them and sign up for a regular newsletter.

Purple Community Fund

Life is so precarious for families living in the Tondo slums in Manila and this is where the heart of PCF’s mission and ministry takes place. Through their livelihood, education, health and nutrition programmes they offer hope and a future to those who have so little.  We encourage everyone to listen to CEO Jane Walker’s story of how God broke her heart for this community whilst on holiday.  It’s inspiring and so although as a church we haven’t visited the projects yet,  some of church family have well established links.  We pray for PCF, support financially and collect ring pulls to give raw materials for recycling which protects vulnerable children from scavenging on dangerous rubbish mountains. They have a website with lots more information about how you can get involved.



Working with Dignity is a new relationship which has come about since early 2020 and we are looking at how we can develop an understanding and support for this organisation who have established life groups in 743 communities across 5 countries in Africa.  A life group draws people from within a given community to learn, take action and work for change within their community setting with Jesus as central to what they do. They seek to support one another, challenge negative social norms that hold people in poverty and actively promote community cohesion and responsibility for those who are marginalised. They have a website with lots more information about how you can support them.