Week of Prayer 2024

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9th Sep - 12th Sep
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Thornhill Baptist Church


This year our Week of Prayer will run from Monday 9th to Thursday 12th September and our theme will be ‘Dig in with God’.

We will be having four evening meetings at the church (see details below) and, in addition, we will also be providing some daily devotional material for the week based around Hosea 10:12.

Monday 9th September Prayer Meeting
Tuesday 10th September Creative Evening
Wednesday 11th September Praise and Prayer
Thursday 12th September Prayer Meeting

We would love you to join us, for as many evenings as possible, as we seek God together for His purposes and plans for TBC in the coming year.

Sow righteousness , reap love.  It’s time to till the ready earth, it’s time to dig in with God, until he arrives with righteousness ripe for harvest.   Hosea 10:12 (The Message)