The Power of Perspective

Our hopes determine our habits. If we believe that God has already done everything exciting that he’s going to do in our lives, then we will sit back self-satisfied and apathetic. But if our hopes are set on God doing more and greater things in the future, then we will be more likely to seek Him with all of our hearts.

So welcome! Whether you are joining us in the church building at 10.30 Sunday morning or whether you are joining the service online, which you can do at any time although a lot of us still aim for 10.30 Sunday morning and then meet on Zoom for virtual coffee time afterwards, we’re glad you’re here and we hope you’ll feel right at home.

The current teaching series is called “Power in Weakness”. We’re looking at “ministry”, which simply means anything that we do to serve God, and learning all we can from the book of 2 Corinthians, which has loads to say on the subject. Today Astrid is speaking on 2 Corinthians 4:1-18, exploring the difference our perspective can make.

After the service we’ll be having a virtual coffee time on Zoom at 11.45. This is our opportunity to catch up with friends and spend a bit of time chatting. If you’ve never joined us for one of these before we’d love to meet you, please do come and join in. For security reasons the Zoom meeting details have been sent out by email to everyone on our regular mailing list, if you haven’t received them please drop Astrid an email and she will send the connection details over to you.

Click here to join the service.