Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians is sometimes referred to as “the letter of comfort”. This week Nick and Liz help us think about where we find comfort and what Paul means when he says “our comfort abounds through Christ”.
Welcome to our service this Sunday! We will be meeting in the building at 10.30 Sunday morning, or you can join in online at any time (although lots of us still aim for 10.30 Sunday morning and then head onto Zoom for virtual coffee time afterwards).. Whether online or in person we are so glad you’re here…
It’s our second service in our new series which we’ve called “Power in Weakness”. In some ways 2 Corinthians is a very personal letter from Paul the apostle to a church he knew well. In it he has a lot to say about his own calling and what it means to be invited to join in with what God is doing on earth, even when he often felt unworthy. We sometimes use words like “mission” or “ministry” to describe the things we do in church, but that’s what they boil down to – us getting the privilege of joining in with what God is doing. So what can we learn from Paul’s thoughts about the power there is in our weakness?
After the service we’ll be having a virtual coffee time on Zoom at 11.45. This is our opportunity to catch up with friends and spend a bit of time chatting. If you’ve never joined us for one of these before we’d love to meet you, please do come and join in. For security reasons the Zoom meeting details have been sent out by email to everyone on our regular mailing list, if you haven’t received them please drop Paul an email and he will send the connection details over to you.

Click here to join the service.