Doing Life Together: Celebrate!

How do you respond on the inside when you see what God has given someone else? We mostly react in one of three ways: we envy them, we compete with them or we celebrate them. Two of those erode community away from the inside and one builds it up…

We’re delighted that you’ve joined us for our service this week!

We are in a teaching series called “Doing Life Together”, which is about the kind of community God intends us to create within church. This week Astrid is speaking on some verses from Galatians 5 and thinking about what it means to celebrate one another.

After the service we’ll be having a virtual coffee time on Zoom at 11.45. This is our opportunity to catch up with friends and spend a bit of time chatting. If you’ve never joined us for one of these before we’d love to meet you, please do come and join in. For security reasons the Zoom meeting details have been sent out by email to everyone on our regular mailing list, if you haven’t received them please drop Paul an email and he will send the connection details over to you.

Click here to join the service.