Thank you for joining us this Sunday! Once again this week, we can’t come to church so church is going to come to us through the wonders of technology. That doesn’t mean that church has become a spectator sport though, so we would encourage you to join us with the expectation that God will meet with you and speak to you as you participate in the service with us.
We are continuing our series called “Greater”, based in the book of Hebrews. A great way to prepare for the service would be to read the first couple of chapters of Hebrews and get a feel for the way the book starts.
After the service we’ll be having another virtual coffee time on Zoom at 11.45. This is our opportunity to catch up with friends and spend a bit of time chatting. Even if this is your very first time joining us, please do come and join in – we’d love to see you. For security reasons the Zoom meeting details have been sent out by email to everyone on our regular mailing list, if you haven’t received them please drop me an email and I’ll send the connection details over to you.

Click here to join the service.