Thanks for joining us this Sunday! We’re excited that we can worship together, even while the circumstances mean we can’t be in the same place.

We still have bandwidth issues. That means you may or may not be successful watching the video here on our site at 10.30 in the morning – the server gets overloaded when we all arrive at once. But don’t fear – there is a link below the video which will take you to exactly the same thing on YouTube’s server and you can watch there. We’re still keeping these pages on our site though so everyone can comment and discuss the service (please come back and comment after watching on YouTube).

If the video above doesn’t work, pleae click here.


  1. Paul Vaswani (Post author)

    Own up, who forgot to change their clocks and arrived at 11.30?

  2. Yvonne

    Morning Paul, Astrid, everyone. Must confess forgot, in fact didn’t know, to move the clock forward but fortunately woke in time. Looking forward to being blessed this morning. Yvonne

  3. David Goodall

    Good morning everyone

  4. Frances Collins

    That service was just beautiful. The inclusion of others taking part made it more real, and having songs just was uplifting. Astrid’s message was challenging, reassuring, and just felt like she was in the room. May we all experience more of God’s presence while we spend so much time alone. God bless you both, Paul and Astrid.

  5. Judy and Tim Dennis

    Hi Paul and Astrid. Thank you for yet another inspirational and practical service, so relevant to the lives we are living now. God bless you both. Thanks too to Ellen and family and Nathaniel. It felt that Judy and I were worshipping as part of a wider church family.

  6. Penny Bradley

    Another great service thank you. I loved the music and sat in my lounge and sang along. Lovely to see Ellen and the family and Nathaniel joining on screen too. More food for thought on prayer , thank you Astrid, and I look forward to the extra sermon after Easter on what we do when we don’t seem to get an answer to our prayers.
    It’s good to visualise TBC congregation gathered together individually our lounge/kitchen sharing worshiping screens together.
    Love Penny

  7. David Goodall

    Thanks for the service, good to see other familiar faces too

  8. Barbara Hunt

    Thank you for an encouraging talk Astrid, I was a bit late joining in but only because my computer played up Love to you both Barbara

  9. Liz

    I listened while I walked on this windy but beautiful day. Everything about this service was so encouraging and helped me focus on God. Have felt swamped the past couple of days and it’s so easy to just shut down so thank you for inspiring me to reach out to God again. Thanks to all of you who were involved. Bless you lots.

  10. Liz Long

    Thank you to all of you involved in putting this service together. I listened as I walked this windy but beautiful morning. It was good to have uninterrupted time to focus on God. The talk on prayer was inspiring and so practical. I’ve felt overwhelmed the last couple of days and so it was good to be challenged again to pray. Bless you lots. Love Liz

  11. Gwen

    Great service thank you . It’s great that we can join together to worship even when we are
    Not able to physically meet together .
    God bless all of us Gwen and Philip

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