Welcome to our online service this Sunday, we’re delighted you could join us!
This week we are starting a new series called “Greater”based in the book of Hebrews in the New Testament. Hebrews describes Jesus as greater than, well, anything! Starting this morning we are going to be exploring what it means by that and what difference it makes to our lives.
After the service we’ll be having another virtual coffee time on Zoom at 11.45 (which should give you plenty of time to make a coffee and grab some biscuits if you watch the service at 10.30). This is our opportunity to catch up with friends and spend a bit of time chatting. Even if this is your very first time joining us, please do come and join in – we’d love to see you. For security reasons the Zoom meeting details have been sent out by email to everyone on our regular mailing list, if you haven’t received them please drop me an email (paul@thornhillbc.org.uk) and I’ll send the connection details over to you.

Click here to join the service.