Welcome to our online service this Sunday, we’re delighted you could join us!
We’ve had a slight problem over the last few weeks, a good problem but a problem nevertheless. We’ve had so many people joining us at 10.30 on Sunday that a few times our website hasn’t been able to cope with the load. I’m sorry if that has happened to you. To ensure that everyone can watch this week, the link below will take you straight to the service on YouTube. You can still come back here and post comments afterwards, but we thought it was more important that everyone could join in with the service uninterrupted – this week that should happen.
Then after the service we’re trying something new, a virtual coffee time on Zoom. We’d love everyone who joins in with the service at 10.30 to switch over to Zoom as soon as it finishes so we can all catch up with friends and spend a bit of time chatting. Even if this is your very first time joining us, please do come and join in – we’d love to see you. For security reasons the Zoom meeting details have been sent out by email to everyone on our regular mailing list, if you haven’t received them please drop me an email (paul@thornhillbc.org.uk) and I’ll send the connection details over to you.

Click here to join the service.
Great service – liked the zoom chat in it and zoom coffee chat session is a good idea too
Lovely service this morning. I especially liked Astrid speaking about unanswered prayer which I found very helpful and relevant.
What a good service today
I’m so proud of you Astrid handling such a difficult topic so well. Unanswered prayer. I really understood your message so clear and concise.