Over five weeks this summer our morning services are going to take a different form. We will still meet together at 10:30 and start with fifteen minutes of worship. Then you will have two options: Going Deeper, with in-depth Bible study and discussion, or an All Age service, with worship and teaching suitable for everyone.
Going Deeper

Starting on July 31st our Going Deeper sessions this year will be looking at ‘The Other Side of The Gospel, God’s concern for Creation Care’. Traditionally Christians have neglected this vital part of the Gospel but it is close to God’s heart and challenges us to address it. We shall be looking Biblically at the politics of creation care, at our own personal responsibility for creation care, at the threat to biodiversity, and at the importance of both soil and water.
All Age

Our Summer All Age Series is starting next Sunday 31st July and we will be looking at the ‘I Am’ statements that Jesus said about himself, and there are quite a few. Things like, ‘I Am the Door’, ‘’I Am the Vine’, ‘I Am the way’ and ‘I Am bread’! What did Jesus mean when He made these statements and what can we learn from them? Do join us for a prompt 10.30 start each Sunday morning over the next five weeks to find out.