In the New Year, Paul is going to host four “training evenings” for small group leaders and prospective small group leaders. They would be very suitable for experienced leaders who want to brush up their skills and refresh their vision for small groups (and we would benefit from your wisdom in discussions) and they would also be very suitable for people who might be future leaders of small groups.
We are going to meet fortnightly on a Thursday evening, in person if it seems safe and online if it does not. The dates will be January 13th and 27th, and February 10th and 24th. Please note: the start date of this course is being postponed to 27th January, the final session date to be confirmed.
Over the four evenings we will be talking together about various areas of vision and best practice in small groups, including:
- Our TBC “Small Group Values”
- Creating a “culture” within your small group
- Leading transformational Bible studies
- Prayer, worship and the gifts of the Holy Spirit in a small group setting
- Caring for one another in small groups
- Handling difficult characters in small groups
Please let Paul know if you are interested in joining us.