Zebra in Thornhill Community Library, painted by local children
Working together in Thornhill and Harefield
We see partnership as one of the keys to making a difference in our community and beyond.
A group called “Thornhill Community Voices” set up Thornhill Community Library when Southampton City Council, as part of a cost reduction initiative, offered a number of library services to volunteer groups in April 2016. Working with Plus You Ltd who provide the premises and SCC who provide the books and IT infra-structure, we manage the volunteer team and offer some of the additional activities which take place in the library. Our vision for this community venture is to provide a warm, safe and welcoming space that is as much about people as it is about books. We love new volunteers joining the team.
Together with St Christopher’s parish church and Thornhill Vineyard we have formed “Love Thornhill” to bring the three churches together for prayer and action in our local community.
We see partnership as one of the keys to making a difference in our community…
Harefield Doctors’ Surgery hosts a monthly prayer and action group called “Love Harefield”. This is a partnership between St James’s parish church, Above Bar and ourselves along with other Christians living and working in Harefield. Together we look for opportunities to serve our Harefield neighbours, and this has led us to start an annual practical help weekend, regular litter picks and various other one-off opportunities to show the love of Jesus.
We are a food and clothing collection point for Basics Bank, a project run by Southampton City Mission who have been giving out free food and clothes to those in need across the City since 1996.