Coffee and Bowls - Thornhill Baptist Church

Carpet bowls group

“Coffee and Bowls” takes place on a Wednesday morning and is open to anyone who would like to join us.  We bowl from 9.15am to 11.45am and there is coffee (and tea, despite the name) available from 10am.  Some people just come for a drink and a chat, others come for the bowls but we all stop for coffee and a snack mid-morning – we’re a sociable lot!

Over the years Coffee and Bowls has grown considerably in numbers.  We started in 2007 with just eight bowlers, ten years later we have 3 carpets and regularly have 24 bowlers. The standard of the bowling is not the important thing, it’s all about having fun and socialising!  We charge £1.50 to bowl, which goes towards our equipment and an occasional outing.

Our season is from September to late July. Every July all the bowlers take part in a competition, the winner of which takes home the “Betty House” trophy, named after one of our founder members who sadly passed away.  Alongside the bowling, the tournament day always includes lots of laughs over a fish and chip lunch – we are, after all, a sociable lot!

We would love you to come and join us.