Welcome! We’re saving you a seat…

Thornhill Baptist Church is a community of ordinary people based in the heart of the Thornhill and Harefield areas of Southampton. Everyone is welcome: the old and the young; the got-it-together and the battered and bruised by life; the convinced Christian and the unsure explorer. You can read about our church vision here.

We’d love you to join us, we’re saving you a seat… That seat can be in the church building at 10.30am every Sunday morning or it can be in your own home if you join us online. Either way, you will be extremely welcome – we’re family and you’re invited!

To join us online see the “Our Latest Service” link on this page or you’ll find our older services here.

The Hub

We believe God changes lives…

Tim and Judy’s story

We still do not fully understand why all the bad things happened but we do hold on to a God who seems to be available when most needed

In January 2017 our 41 year old son was killed in a car crash leaving a wife and three young children. At first we just about coped with being up in the area of his home, trying to comfort his children and living day to day back in Southampton amid a welter of emotions, fear for the future, confusion, sadness and loss. In this period, we were held by the love of our many friends at church, including our pastors. We received so many cards, messages and flowers it all seemed to carry us along on a tide of support. We knew that many, especially in our house-group, were praying for us, and although we could not prove it this seemed to make a big difference. To have so many of our friends at the celebration of our son’s life meant a great deal to us.
Our latest service

Astrid Vaswani - 9th March 2025

Churchlife - Giving

Scripture References: Luke 12:22-34


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Coming up... Through the week
  • Food Hub
    14th Mar @ 1:45 PM
  • BFG
    14th Mar @ 6:00 PM
  • Youthy
    14th Mar @ 7:30 PM
  • Well Being Cafe
    17th Mar @ 9:00 AM
  • Craft & Chatter
    17th Mar @ 10:00 AM
  • Services
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