Prayer Ministry Training
A short, one session introduction to prayer ministry. Over a couple of hours we explore what the Bible has to say about what is happening when we pray for each other, then think practically about the best way to go about doing so. Then we put it into practice… We would encourage everyone in the church to come along to this one!

Getting on top of your money
Does money rule you or is it the other way round? Are you always worried about your finances? Ever find yourself thinking “I don’t know where my money goes each month, I just know that it goes…”?
The Money Course is for anyone who wants to explore their relationship with money, who would welcome advice on budgeting or who may be worried about their financial situation.
Does money rule you or is it the other way round?
This four week course is full of practical advice and guidance on managing your money and it’s free. Having a meal together is included each week.
If you are interested in joining a Money Course, contact Astrid our Community Minister.

Turning Ordinary Conversations into Spiritual Conversations
Sometimes it feels almost impossible to chat naturally about the spirituality which is so central to our lives. Why do we so often end up talking about church or debating theology and never get to any discussion about spiritual reality?
This short workshop is designed to help us to think about how we can be more intentional, more invitational and more inspirational in our conversation.

Working Effectively in Teams
As we look to develop more teams within TBC, this course is an opportunity for us to be equipped to equip do teamwork really well. It is for team leaders and team members.