In Person and Online…
Covid forced us to go online. We liked it and decided to stay…
We still think there’s a lot to be said for meeting in person and we’d love you to join us in the church building at 10.30 on a Sunday morning. For for those who can’t make it, for those who aren’t ready, for those who are exploring church at their own pace, church online is a great alternative. Looking at it another way, nobody can ever have an excuse for missing church again, because you can catch the service when it suits you. Check out our online services here.
Sunday mornings
We meet at 10.30 every Sunday morning. We focus on worshipping together, teaching from the bible and time to pray and respond to God. We don’t want services to be going through the motions – we believe in a powerful God who meets with us, speaks to us, answers prayers and changes us… and that’s what we expect to happen when we gather together!
Morning services usually last about an hour and a quarter and finish with coffee, tea and time to chat. About once every six weeks we have an all age service with the children and young people in for the whole service – these are shorter, we aim for about an hour. Other weeks there is a crèche, Xtreme for children in years R-5 and Transform for year 6-9 young people.
Sunday evenings
We currently have two very different styles of evening service (except during August).

On the first Sunday of the month at 6.30 we have “Immerse”. The emphasis is on encountering God, usually with an extended period of contemporary worship, a very short time of teaching and opportunities to listen to God and receive prayer ministry. It’s a very relaxed and informal time together with plenty of time and space to receive from God.

On the fourth Sunday of the month at 6.30 we have an evening communion service. This is rather more traditional and reflective in nature and takes place in the lounge room at the rear of the building.

We also host a monthly youth service called Encounter, which is run by a group of churches for young people in the area. This happens at 7.30pm, usually on the fourth Sunday of the month.