We encourage everyone to get stuck in to a small group
Get connected…
Small groups play a significant role in our church community life. Being part of a small group helps us to feel supported and connected with the wider church family.
Small groups are safe places to explore and experiment with ideas and gifts, to ask questions, grow in faith, knowledge, experience and in relationships. We also encourage small groups to discover ways in which they may serve together; perhaps offering hospitality and welcome, or practical care for someone in the community.
Being part of a small group helps us to feel supported and connected…
There is no set pattern for what small groups do when they meet but often they share the same teaching/study material and time is also given for friendship, prayer and refreshments.
There are a number of small groups which meet at various times and on different days of the week. They are all different to cater for a wide range of needs. Please contact Astrid, our Community Minster if you would like to know more .