Baptism of one of our young people in 2017
What is church membership all about?
We hope you’ll feel at home from the very first time you walk in to TBC, and we hope you’ll come back again and again. We hope you’ll join in with some of the activities that we have to offer, perhaps join a small group (definitely do that – small groups are great!) and get to know us as we get to know you. At some point we hope you’ll come to call TBC “home”. At that point you might want to think about becoming a member of the church.
As a church we believe that God speaks to us all about the big decisions in church life, so we get together a few times a year to pray, chat and work out together what we think He is saying. We call these get togethers “Church Meetings”. Everyone who is part of the church family is welcome to come and join in the discussion, we encourage the teenagers to have their say (we’d love the younger kids to do the same but it’s probably a bit too long and boring for most of them…) but when we vote on the bigger decisions it’s only the church members that get to vote.
At some point we hope you’ll come to call TBC ‘home’
So if you’ve been here long enough to know that this is home, at least for now, and if you find yourself in tune with what we believe and what we see God doing in our community and our world, then we’d love you to become a member. Have a chat with one of the Ministers or come along to the Jump Right In course to find out more.