Vision Development Plan - Thornhill Baptist Church

Our vision

​Our vision statement says this:

Ordinary people, making an extraordinary God known.
Come as you are.  Join in.  Be transformed.

Read more about the thinking behind this here.

Vision Development Plan

A vision statement has to move beyond being just words on a piece of paper!  We want our vision, which we believe God has given us, to touch every area of church life and to guide us into fresh new ways of being church and living as part of God’s Kingdom.  To this end we have embarked on a “Vision Development Plan”.

The Vision Development Plan isn’t rocket science and it isn’t some clever management tool, it is simply a process of asking questions of ourselves, based on our vision statement.  In each area of church life we have started by saying “What questions does our vision statement beg of this aspect of our church?”  In other words, it’s a process of creating an MOT that we can use to check whether we are moving in the right direction to be true to our vision of becoming ‘Ordinary people, making an extraordinary God known.  Come as you are.  Join in.  Be transformed.’

This is a work in progress.  Here are the ones we have started – anyone who is part of our church family can suggest changes or additions at any time.  They can all be read with the free Adobe Reader software which can be downloaded here.